Posted in Health

Dangers That Come From Bee Stings And Bug Bites

Dangers That Come From Bee Stings And Bug Bites Posted on October 6, 2018

There are numerous people that are afraid of bees and it is not at all difficult to understand why since we are talking about numerous dangers and diseases that are associated with bee stings and bug bites in general. Everyone should know that whenever enjoying the outdoors, such bites and stings can appear. Fortunately, for most people these are just nuisances. However, for some a simple sting can lead to a life-threatening situation.

Many dangers can be mentioned but those that you need to be aware of when suffering insect bites or bee stings are the following, according to Pest Control Perth specialists.

True Allergy

Being allergic to stings from hornets, bees or wasps means you can go into anaphylactic shock. Unfortunately, most people confuse the allergy with a local reaction. When developing itching, discomfort, redness and swelling at the sting site but nothing else is noticed, you have a local reaction. When symptoms appear anywhere else, an allergy is most likely the problem.

If more serious symptoms like faintness, nausea, difficulty breathing, general unwellness or rapid heart rate appear, you need to seek immediate medical help. Calling 911 is actually the best thing that you can do, especially if symptoms rapidly develop.

Methicillin-Resistant Staph Aureus (MRSA)

There are many people that identify slightly painful, slightly raised, red and small areas on their skin as being spider bites. At the moment, everything that resembles the spider bite is treated as MRSA, up until the opposite is proven. This is because MRSA causes a really dangerous bacterial infection. When not treated, serious illness appears. In rare cases this even causes death. Whenever you think that you were bitten by a spider but you did not actually see the spider, you have to call the doctor. In most cases such lesions just look like you think a spider bite looks like.

Lyme Disease

After bitten by a tick, you need to think about Lyme disease, especially when in the US Eastern third. Borrelia burgdorferi is the cause of the infection. This is a bacterium that is carried by deer ticks. When the ticks bite the human, it is possible that bacteria are transferred. A small bite wound develops into larger lesions, which is the sign that you want to contact the doctor. The physician needs to evaluate all illness symptoms that appear after the bite. In order to treat Lyme you need to take antibiotics. When not treated, the disease causes heart irregularities, memory disturbances, arthritis and even nerve damage.

Local Infections

All open wounds can become infected, especially by strep or staph germs. After the bee sting or insect bite you need to see how things evolve. If you see that things get worse, go to the physician. Infection symptoms to look out for include increased redness, enlarging lesions, pus (occasionally) and worsening discomfort. A culture might be needed from the wound in order to identify infections. However, some antibiotics work for most possible infections so this might be enough if you are lucky.