Posted in Health Nutrition Therapy

Safety Measures That Will Help You Avoid Allergic Reactions

Safety Measures That Will Help You Avoid Allergic Reactions Posted on January 23, 2018

Are you a person who has allergic reactions to various edibles? If so you must be constantly looking over your shoulder to double-check that you are not consuming something that will send you into one of those nasty anaphylactic reactions. How can you take preventive measures in order to ensure that you are not at risk of experiencing a severe allergic shock? Here are some tips that might come in handy with this.

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Get the Medical Examinations You Need

Step one is to get the advice of a medical professional.If you have enough reason to believe that you are experiencing some kind of adverse reaction to various types of edibles, you will need to let your doctor know this so that they can carry out the necessary evaluations on your blood and skin to make sure that you are indeed having the same condition. Peanuts, shellfish and some highly acidic edibles are the most common culprits but there are many lesser-known ones too. If you can get one of the best food intolerance testing kits around, you will be able to get the results that you need as well.

Elimination Diets and Meal Plans

The next sensible step would be for you and your physician to come up with the format of an elimination diet where you need to completely avoid coming into contact with anything that you might react adversely to and introduce them gradually over a week or so and then observe what kind of reactions you experience. Once that is done, you can now form a diet journal where you can write down what you take in for every meal over an extended period of time. With all this information in hand, you can now safely go on to form meal plans with the help of your doctor so that you know what to consume and what to stay away from.

Always Be Prepared

Since there are no known methods of guaranteed treatments that you can adhere to in situations like these, your doctor will most probably give you an Epinephrine and other medications to be taken to control the problem or for when you have a severe reaction. You must make sure that no matter where you go, you have all these in hand at all times. Even if you are flying, make sure that you have the doctor’s letter of reference and the prescription on hand since you will be carrying the medication in your handbag or hand luggage. Never travel without them. If a child has the issue, make sure that their teachers know what the problem is and how they must administer the Epinephrine or medication in the event of an emergency attack. You should also ask your doctor to give you a backup in case you misplace one and have no way of getting another immediately. Next, you and the others around you, as in your family, should know how to administer this to you, if you are unable to do so yourself. Most often an Epinephrine is pushed into the thigh to send in the medication.